
Tall Rock Wall

On this particular job we attempted our tallest rock wall yet at 5' high. These walls have no cement, they are completely rock stacked on rock, with small stones used between them to keep them in place.
After deciding on the wall's position, the backhoe was brought in to find and deliver stone from the surrounding area.

The 5' wall section will run under this tree. It will run from the edge of the terrace path and join into the wall running down the side of the property.

The back hoe lays a line of suitable sized rock along the length of the planned wall.

The actual placement of the rock is done by hand.

As you can see, smaller stones are placed amongst the larger rocks to keep it stable.

The wall under the tree is taking shape.

The wall along the lot line is of a lower height and steps down to accommodate the slope in elevation of the land.

Again, all done by hand, its back breaking stuff.

We ran string lines to keep the finished wall relatively straight.

The steps in the wall's elevation mean a more or less constant height is maintained. The land this was built on actually has a fall of around 4'.

Flat stones are selected and placed on the top. The result is very attractive.

The wall creates a clear boundary between the client's lot and the next.

I think the finished articles are very attractive and make good use of local materials.

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